Friday, August 12, 2011


This has been a sad weekend.

Saturday Erica and I were helping friends move when I got a shocking call that a close friend and co-worker had passed away.

Coz Johnson was a photojournalist who I've worked with several nights a week for the past two and a half years.  We've been all over Virginia covering all kinds of stories.

When I started at WRIC, Coz had only been shooting a few months...but that didn't matter.  He was willing to try new things, tell stories in a creative way, push the envelope, and be as artistic as possible.  I saw him grow as a photographer...and he helped me grow as a reporter.
Coz shooting video of me rappelling. 
You get to know a person pretty well when you spend hundreds of hours with them.  

He knew me well - my wife, my family, my interests, my church.  He came to our ring ceremony and wedding reception. 

I knew Coz well - his interests, his dreams to work in film, his battle with weight and diabetes, his caring easy-going attitude.

He put up with my juvenile number when he'd ask me a question and I'd respond, "Be-COZ..."  Or when I'd say, "This story is for a great COZ."  He'd always respond, "Really, Nate?"

He is a true friend.

Saturday morning, when he didn't show up for work and wasn't answering the phone, two co-workers went to his house. 

His car was there but he wasn't answering the door.  Coz lived alone and it was possible he overslept...but police and EMS were called.

After forcing their way inside, officers discovered that he had passed away.  His heart simply stopped.

I was the last reporter to work with Coz.  His normal days off are Thursday and Friday.  On Wednesday, he called me into the edit bay to show me the story before it went to air.  

I told him I liked it and wished him a good weekend.  A few minutes later, I walked out the door and drove home.

I know Coz is in a better place.  I know he is happy and free of pain.  I know I will see him again.

Still, this has been a sad weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Nate, I'm so sad to hear about his passing. I remember when he came to my office with you and seeing him at your reception. He was so nice! I'm so sorry!
