Thursday, June 14, 2012

Roadside Assistance

It's time for me and Erica to renew our auto insurance policy so last week we had a discussion on whether we need roadside assistance.

I've had AAA for years...but after they gave the car you helped us win to someone else, I immediately cancelled my membership (yep, don't think I'll ever be over that one).

Our insurance company offers roadside assistance and I told Erica we need to have it.  In the past, my car battery has died, I've gotten a flat tire (twice), I've locked my keys in the car, and I've run out of gas.  Each time, AAA saved the day.

Erica told me she didn't think we need it.  She told me if I'm ever busy or out of town and she has a car problem, she'll call one of her many family members who live close by.

She also made the point that it's nearly impossible for us to lock keys in our cars because we need a key to lock the doors.

We went back and forth...and decided to go with the coverage.

I said something like, "Believe me, you'll thank me when you lock your keys in your car and I can't come save you."

THE VERY NEXT DAY....less than 24 hours later...

I'm at Kohl's, buying stuff for our Ebay business, and my phone buzzes.  It's Erica.  

She says, "Nate...I need you to come meet me at work."

I say, "Why?  Aren't you coming home for lunch?"

She says, "I was going to...but...uh...well....I've locked my keys in the car."


I say, "What?  You're joking, right?"

She says, "No.  I seriously locked my keys in the car."

At this point I am grinning.  I am secretly THRILLED that she's locked her keys in the car.

I happily run to my car and am excited to go rescue my wonderful wife.

When I pull up, I tell her she could have called Geico...because after all, we do have Roadside assistance.

I told her I wanted her to blog about this experience.  

She hasn't.  

So I am.

Now...the question is...

Do YOU have roadside assistance?  Is it worth it?


  1. Ha ha...don't have it, never have, but it would have come in handy a couple of times! Though probably not as often as it has for you!

  2. BWAHAHAHAH!!! Never had roadside assistance, but never locked my keys in either. How does that happen? Are you sure she isn't blonde? I better go knock on wood...but ya, pretty funny!

  3. I don't have it... because

    1. I'm very careful about not running out of gas
    2.I'm super paranoid about making sure I don't lock my keys in the car. my mom used to do it ALL the time, so now I'm neurotic about making sure I have the keys in my hand.
    3. I have Andrei to change my flat tires

    Miss you!

  4. Haha, YES! I have always had roadside assistance and while I've not used it for locking my keys in the car or running out of gas, I have used it numerous times for needing my car towed to a shop or a flat tire. One time I had just come from getting my tire fixed, had to make a drop off and came back out to a flat tire. The seal didn't hold. And so I had to call roadside assistance to have them help me get my tire off because the shop tightened it too tight. They sent pop-a-lock, who also couldn't get the tire off, so they sent a tow truck to take it back to the shop. Yup, pretty much they were the only ones who could help me with that one. Good job Nate, hold to your road side assistance guns.

  5. Haha! That is funny! Getting your keys locked inside the car is a terrible experience. Having a road assistance team help you in times like these is certainly welcome, but it's still best to never forget your keys inside your car. That is a lesson clearly learned. :)

    [Isabella Pospisil]

  6. Having a spare key will help in preventing accidental leaving a key inside the car.

    Towing Ottawa ON

  7. I truly like to reading your post. Thank you so much for taking the time to share such a nice information.

  8. Motor Club Of America has the best Unlimited Emergency RoadSide Assistance in the country. Only $19.95 per month.

  9. What an irony! =D I can only imagine you grasping the glory of telling your wife “I told you so!” Kidding aside, availing roadside assistance is a good thing. But in instances where it would take hours before they could get to my destination, I see it best to know basic car troubleshooting such as changing flat tires.

    Rita McCall

  10. Yes,I think Rita is saying right that in place of waiting for road side assistance,its better to troubleshoot the problem and try to get knowledge about functioning of car and its parts.
